
Here you can find our collection of useful tutorials.

BioPAN perform a pathway analysis from lipidomics dataset. In this analysis, it is possible to explore systematic changes in lipid pathways at different levels: lipid class and lipid species. Those pathways will be highlighted and changes in enzyme activity will also be predicted.
Watch this tutorial video to understand how BioPAN works.
BioPAN Tutorial
5 Days of presentations from experts in the lipidomics community
Spring School April 2021
These videos were prepared for students in the UCSD School of Medicine and School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences by Professor Edward A. Dennis, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, University of California, San Diego. The initial files were *.ppt and were converted to *.m4v for upload to YouTube.
Introduction to Lipids
Avanti Polar Lipids, Inc. has generously made available to LIPID MAPS® their new tutorial videos hosted by Distinguished Professor Emeritus Robert "Bob" Murphy. These instructional tutorials cover a range of common analytical issues in lipid mass spectrometry.
Lipidomics Studies using Mass Spectrometry