Quantitative analysis of oxylipins and the enzymes of the arachidonic acid cascade
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About Prof. Nils Schebb
Nils Helge Schebb
studied Food Chemistry and Toxicology in Münster and Karlsruhe. After receiving
his PhD in Analytical Chemistry, he was a postdoc at the University of
California, Davis and scientist at the University of Veterinary Medicine
Hannover. Since 2014 he is the Chair of Food Chemistry at the University of
Wuppertal. His team develops and applies instrumental analytical methods to
provide quantitative data of metabolites investigating their role in
physiology. They have developed a comprehensive LC-MS based targeted
metabolomics platform for the arachidonic acid cascade and use it for the
investigation of the impact of nutrition and disease on the oxylipin pattern. He
has published more than 130 scientific publications and book chapters.